Ch 16 Finding God in Unlikely Places
Lysa entices us at the beginning of the chapter with a story about clippity-clap shoes, publishers, and chocolate-covered strawberries. Again, just showing how real, down-to-earth, and authentic she is.
I just turned to the third page only to stop and stare at the heading "Seeing the Good in Hard Things." Seeing the good. That means there is good in the hard things but do we see it. Honestly, for me the pain and difficulty can easily cover and diminish the good. It's there; we/I just have to intently and purposefully look for it and choose to see it.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. Romans 8:26-28
He doesn't work things for our happiness or our timing but for our good. It's really a matter of trust. Do we trust the good He chooses? If we trust Him, then the happiness and timing should be of no concern. We know He works for our good. We must trust Him and we'll trust the good He has planned.
Hindsight is 20/20. We can see "now" why we had to go through the pain, rejection, and difficulty. We see the purpose in the pain. Many times we can interpret delays as punishment or discipline from God as though we were undeserving of the calling earlier. Rather, it is "His way of preparing [us] for it." Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10
"God used that preparation time to teach me how to be passionate about following only His plans."
"Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means waiting for God's timing, waiting for the good He is working in us. And when we're ready to move forward, becoming a good Bible study girl means remembering to help those coming along just behind us. This ensures that our calling is not just about us."
Lysa shares how she discovered a conference notebook left in the bathroom stall at a convention. She wrote in the notebook before turning it into 'lost and found'. The owner of the notebook, Tracey, was blown away that of 1500 women and hundreds of bathroom stalls, both her and Lysa's paths crossed in divine ways. The entire encounter was solely supernatural by God. Lysa's comment in the notebook was the confirmation Tracey needed with a concern heavy on her for several months.
"The more we follow Jesus, the more we fall in love with Him, want to obey Him, experience life with Him, and become a beacon of light to others through Him."
Like Lysa says, I am one of those many people thinking God's plan will come in one lump assignment, one that is so obvious to me. But she believes "that discovering our purpose will unfold slowly like a seed planted deep in the ground." Just like the seed, our purpose "is revealed through embracing each and every circumstance God brought its way." Read that again. Embracing. Each. Every. God. Brought. Our way. He's allowed it; let's embrace it. It's a tough request but one we must do to completely fulfill His plan.
We shouldn't settle for less than what God has for us. And if we are truly trusting God, we will accept and desire His way, knowing it's the best.
Obedient to His Word.
In tune to His Voice.
God doesn't ask us to do great things but just to be greatly devoted to Him.
If you have more to share on your blog, please use MckLinky below to hook up. I would greatly welcome any comments even if you are not doing the study. You don't have to be reading this book to share your wisdom and insight to this post.

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.

I not part of the bible study but I every time I come here it speaks to me and I learn!
I get tried of waiting for the opportunities to speak out on the things that are so close to my heart. But you reminded me that in God's timing it will bloom.
love and hugs~Tammy
I haven't been able to join you in a study for awhile but I'm so happy that you are 'hosting' this one. Good for you:)
Thank you for always being so sweet when you visit my blog. I sure miss everyone. I am looking forward to becoming more active in bloggy land again:)
Blessings, Cindy
This was great, Paula! I have her book, but I've not had time to read it yet! But, I will!!
Thanks for your photoshop advice! I will hop over to your friend's website tomorrow! I'm 'bout photoshopped out today...and not much to show for it. SO, I simply walk away..away..from computerland!!
Hi Paula...I'm not a part of the study either but came by to see what you are up to. So excited to see you continuing the bible study online. Looks like a good on as usual and I like what you said that it's not a one time change but an eventual one.
Thanks for your faithfulness!
I like your photo too...don't think I'd seen one before this. You're beautiful inside and out!
I am really struggling with several problems right now.
I needed to read this.
Hey, friend. This sounds like a good chapter. I love how Lysa just lays it out there. She is so honest, willing to get real.
And yes. There is good in the hard things. We just don't usually see it until later;).
I miss you! Let me know how you are doing. Really.
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