However, our God is SO great that He too can and does use the valley experiences just as much as the mountaintop experiences. God will even allow satan to throw his daggers at us after such a glorious experience with God. Why? Because, this too will only reinforce the Truths we learned while on the mountaintop and it will draw us to rely even more on God and conform to the character of Jesus. Surviving and thriving after the attacks of satan reveals our faith to God and brings Him glory.
That is how wonderful our God is. He uses everything for our good and His glory. Romans 8:28 tells us in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purposes.
Let me share some history to these thoughts. I wanted to post today and I have a couple in drafts that I was going to fine tune and post. However, it is as though God said "No. You need to post on the fall because of what many THOUSANDS of women may begin to experience this weekend starting Saturday afternoon." So this is the first sporadic posting I've ever done literally in one sitting.
Many of you are probably aware of Beth Moore's conference tonight from 7:30-10 pm and Saturday 9:30-1 pm. She is in Louisville, Kentucky which is about 60 minutes from me. However, the church which probably holds 10,000 has been sold out for several, several months. My ladies' group at church is hosting a simulcast. We gathered last night to set up the church and boy did I ever get pumped up. We had prayer and I mentioned that this has been a concern of mine that we all need to be prepared for the enemy's attacks to come Sunday or Monday or even Saturday at 1:05! (Update: I've found out 715 churches are involved and over 70,000 attendees over the world!)
The enemy does NOT like God's children to be on fire for Jesus, spreading His good news, doing His good works, and proclaiming His good love. No, indeed, it makes satan madder than a wet hen. So, he is going to push. He is going shove. He is going to scream. He is going to try anything and everything to beat us down and convince us we cannot do what God is going to speak to our hearts. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me. Psalm 118:13
Satan opposes what God is doing and what we are willing to do for God. Though this scripture is not talking about satan, I found it in my search and thought it was good advice for us. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message. 2 Timothy 4:15 Satan opposes God's message and he opposes our message about Jesus.
Be on guard, if you are attending the conference or a simulcast. If you are not, please pray for the many THOUSANDS of woman who may experience the enemy's attacks this weekend after a glorious experience with God. I am so pumped up to have a "high" with God. If you attended Proverbs 31 She Speaks this year, you know what I'm saying. Many attendees have shared how they had a mountaintop experience only to come home to the attacks of satan. But they overcame because God is with them. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:5 And because they cast their cares on God. Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22
Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. 2 Timothy 1:14 Wow. This is a gem of scripture. Isn't that what God is doing? He's depositing good in us through such conferences. Have you ever pondered that while He deposits this good He is trusting us with it? We are to guard the good deposit He makes whether it is at a Beth Moore conference, or Proverbs 31, or any conference we attend. What a beautiful picture of God "entrusting" us with His good deposits. Just beautiful.
Whether you attend this conference, your local church event, a church meeting even for some new ministry, whatever the atmosphere for high with God, be on guard and prepared for the attacks of satan. Never let him steal your thunder. Never let him push you off that mountaintop. Never let him tarnish the good deposits from the Lord.
Entrusted By Him,

(Picture is of "Candy Tuft" from my yard.)
This is a wonderful post, and I agree, he tries to steal our joy, and if he can't do it before our events or what ever we have coming to do, he trys even afterwards, even with what I call his stinkin thinkin!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful time, I will pray for you and your friends.
I have our 1st church picnic next saturday and I will remember your post, I may even come back and read it again, to refresh my mind. I know satan will try to ruin this, but I will pray everyday AND IT WILL BE A HUGE SUCCESS.
Thanks paula!! God is so Awesome, I Love him so much.
Have a Blessed weekend
Wonderful post, Paula!!! I have been thinking that I might embrace something God has for me this weekend. This is a great reminder to be on gaurd and to TRUST GOD through it all. Thanks!
Prayers and blessings,
p.s. We'll have to share with each other what we learned at the conference! What God spoke to our hearts!
This is my first time to comment on your blog. I read your previous post and this one also. My youngest daughter and her husband have been hit hard this week because they started doing something for God they should have been doing all along. My son-in-law is so awesome. The stories I could tell and how God answered our prayers. God will take care of this also, I firmly believe that.
Years ago when we were going through some spiritual warfare I was dreaming one night and calling my husband's name. I felt like I was in a whirlwind and couldn't get out but I knew if I could get my husband's attention everything would be okay. In his sleep he heard me calling him and it woke him up. He said I was mumbling and tossing so he woke me up. We immediately knew what was happening and we prayed. You are so right, we just have to call upon our Lord and He will be right there to help.
I will be praying for you and the ladies in the conference. We truly need a spiritual awakenng in this country.
May God be with you,
Great post...when I saw the words The Fall, my 1st thought was Oct. I guess that is what several days of 100 degree weather does to you.
Can't wait for your posts about the simul cast.
I'm with Annette!! I thought you were going to help us experience "coolness" is this horrible heat! But I loved the blog! Thanks so much for reminding us what we are up against after Bethy tomorrow at 1:05! Prayer and the wonderful scripture that you posted will help.
I am going to email you again--hit return and see what happens!!
Love ya!
That flower is sooo pretty. Wished you lived close to me, I know you would be able to help me in my "garden!"
Excited to hear how the Lord works this weekend! I am sure He will move in a mighty way!
Paula...this is GREAT!
Right before I attended She Speaks this year Satan was coming at me from so pretty weird "places". After thinking about it I realized...wow God is about to do some pretty big stuff and Satan is trying to keep me from being apart of it. And sure enough, God showed up in some pretty amazing ways...I think Satan tries to keep us from joy and steal it away!
I will pray for you and all of the other ladies, Paula.
I love that verse 2 Timothy 1:14.
You know that I am fighting to hold
onto my good deposits!:)
Have a blessed weekend, Paula!
Much love,
Hi Paula, Thanks for directing me here from your comment. I just arrived home from the simulcast. SO WONDERFUL!!! Unfortunately, due to other commitments I cannot return tomorrow, but I knew that when I purchased my ticket - it was still worth it to share in a part of the experience tonight.
God did give me a Word to treasure and I will be competently competent!
Enjoy your day tomorrow. Hope to hear more about it on your blog...hint, hint!
Great reminder to everyone! We really need to praying at all times to guard against the enemy. Mountaintop or no mountaintop.
When my son returned from his mission trip it was so obvious satan was after him. I was glad that satan saw David as a threat, but I did ramp up my prayers.
Enjoy your time with Miss Beth!!
Great word Paula! I'm so glad you obeyed what God told you not to write on and wrote what He felt we all needed.
Only 4 days after She Speaks things began to crumble at our house. Satan just pounces with no remorse. So sick of him.
Can't wait to read your thoughts about the conference this weekend. I hope you are blessed beyond belief.
Love you,
Blessed post. Thanks for the encouraging word, surely I needed that. I will have you and your church family and prayer as well as the other women taking part in the Beth Moore conference. Wish I could be there. Sounds like it is going to be great.
Be blessed,
I was at the Simulcast in Troy, Michigan! It was a MIRACLE to be there as one of the 70,000 women in 715 locations! It was a JOY to be a part of it! EVERYONE was able to see it perfectly!
Much love to you!
Angie xoxo
These words are so true! I am so excited to hear what you learned from Beth this weekend. She is such an amazing Bible teacher, and so gifted with passion. I will pray for your mountaintop experience, and that the descent will be sweet, not attacked!
It's great to hear from you again, Paula!
You are SOOO right...my best friend (sister) and I get to work together in a ministry of the Lord's, and every SINGLE time we have prepared to have a conference, not just she and I are being attacked, but every member of our families! It never, ever fails!
We encourage one another (as you have done here) that when we see that kind of attack, we know we are on the right track in God's work! :-)
Another great post, girl!
Hey, girl. We were right there with you...listenin', talkin' to each other when Beth told us to, praisin', singin'...as we sat in Lawrenceville, GA...
wasn't it amazing to be at her feet hearing God's words through her, and getting to sit in your own church pew?! Words don't seem enough...my head can't wrap around the 70,000plus number...and when i multiply the 100 fold to that...YES, HE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE THRU US.
I want to review my notes and my action items tomorrow morning in my devotion time...and I pray all 70,000+ will do the same thing...guarding our WORD in our hearts, speaking with our lips throughout the day to those who may not get it any other way.
Have a blessed, peaceful sleep tonight, siesta!
Amen Sistah!!
That is why it is so important to have the word in our heart so can stand against the wiles of the enemy. When my husband and I go out to minister in music we always pray a covering over one another. We don't fear the enemy we just stand on the word and speak the name of Jesus as the word says he will have to flee. As the saying also goes, when the Lord starts blessing.. The devil starts messing!!
Hugz Lorie
Emotions can be fickle at the best of times.
thank you so much for this post. We are gearing up for our annual Women's Retreat in Tenn. which is ALWAYS a mountaintop experience!! Be extra vigilant for the enemy is seeking who he will destroy!! We are kicking into high gear with prayer!
I will pray for your group as well!
I've attended a Beth Moore conference every year since 2002. I also attended a simulcast a few years ago.
Although I wasn't able to attend this event I was praying. You're right...satan hates this kind of thing. I remember the one I attended two years ago....it was extremely windy that day and the power went off to the television at one point.
I'm going to be attending the Siesta Fiesta and cannot wait.
I love Beth's teaching and love the worship time.
I look forward to reading more about the weekend through your blog and others.
Have a great week.
Amen, dear Sister! Beautifully expressed. :-)
Satan would love to neutralize us (since he can't take away our salvation, he'd at least like to to hinder our sanctification and render us useless as salt and light for others!).
But we are empowered by the Most High God to resist the enemy's tactics. "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One Who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
Praise God!
Blessings ...
Hello, sweet friend. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I thought of you when I was posting, praying that my words would not hurt. God has a special plan for you. HOld on to that, Dear One.
Diane and I discussed this very issue when we began facilitating "Believing God" online study.
Great post. Yes, Satan does try to steal our joy and take us from the mountain top. I heard that the Beth Moore conference was a success. I will be praying for protection from the evil one for those who attended.
I loved this and you are right on....new level new devil.
A dear friend I brought with me to the Simulcast called me this morning that her young son of 8, went forward yesterday. And the devil was roaring in the afternoon.
For me, I got hit hard this morning here at the office, and I pressed through with God to show Christ to the one that was being used by the enemy.
GLORY TO GOD...the deposit, in my mind, was the Word God gave me to me, IS NOT UP FOR GRABS!
Love ya!
Thanks for reading and commenting about friendships. I hope to post some more about it in a few days. I appreciated your insight.
First of all, I really love the beautiful little white flowers!
It is evident that this was the post that was needful NOW! I am not attending the conference but I have experienced attacks from satan when taking on something that I felt God leading. And this conference is a BIG thing with ladies groups everywhere!
Hi Paula!
Thanks for stopping by Grace Today! Hope to check in here more often ~ beautiful words...
Hope the conference was wonderful!
I've already heard from a few ladies who are experiencing what you've so accurately written about...
I've experienced it myself. But I'm on to the enemy and his wily ways. I know my weaknesses and where he will seek to aim his fist.
Growing with Jesus allows us a window into spiritual warfare. Everyone who attended the conference will benefit from your wisdom in this post.
Thanks for sharing.
great post paula! oh how i wish i could have attended that confrence. i would love to hear how God moved this weekend if anyone wants to share!
blessings ~
Satan did attack my group...my heart feels cheated but God more than made up for it following the weekend. If this doesn't make sense, it's on my latest post.
Your a blessing Paula!
In His Graces~Pamela
Please visit Shore's End for an important announcement and prayer request!
You are such a sweet friend. Thank you for your encouragement this week. I think I have been hormonal! Too many ups and downs. I'm ok, though, He teaches me through every disappointment.
Bless you, dear one!
Hi Paula..
Please come to my blog I have two awards for you!!
Hugz Lorie
I love your site and your very cute pink flower...
I loved reading your post this morning...
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